First Tradition

Alcoholics Anonymous

ONLINE Meeting Agenda

  1. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. This is the regular open meeting of the Saturday Morning Sand Hill Group of Alcoholics Anonymous. My name is _______________, and I am an alcoholic and your current Co-Secretary along with __________________.

  2. For today’s meeting _________________ is our Zoom host, helping me with meeting logistics. Feel free to send him / her a chat at any point during the meeting with questions or feedback. To see other members who are attending, use the arrows to scroll through the Zoom gallery on your laptop or “swipe left” if you’re using Zoom on your mobile phone.

  3. Please treat this online meeting as you would an in-person meeting and refrain from activities that would be distracting to others. To minimize background noise, we have muted all participants. However, you have the ability to unmute yourself when sharing.

- A word about anonymity: If you are concerned about your full name being shown, just click on your photo to change it.

- You can also disable your video by clicking the video icon in the lower left corner of the screen. Also, the “record meeting” function in Zoom has been disabled.

- If you are in a public setting, please turn off your video and use your headphones so others can’t hear the meeting.

  1. Shall we open the meeting with a moment of silence to do with as you wish, followed by the Serenity Prayer.

“God, grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

  1. I will now read the definition of Alcoholics Anonymous:

"Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety."

  1. I have asked _____________ to read “How it Works” from the beginning of Chapter 5 of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. (Reminder for secretary/host: If the reader forgets to unmute, you can do that for them.

    • Thank you _________________ for reading.

  1. I have asked ______________to read the 12 Traditions which are to the group what the 12 steps are to the individual.

  2. A reminder before we ask about birthdays and newcomers: please unmute yourself if you would like to share a birthday or let us know if you are a newcomer.

  3. Are there any AA birthdays we can help celebrate?

  4. 10.If you are visiting from outside the area or anyone at this meeting for the first time please use the raise your hand function located in the Manage Participants menu item in Zoom?

  5. 11.It is also the custom of this group to ask if there are newcomers. We define newcomers as people in their first 30 days of sobriety. We would be grateful if you would introduce yourself by your first name only. This is not meant to embarrass you but rather to give us a chance to get to know you better. Are there any newcomers?

  6. 12.Are there any AA related announcements from the group? (Reminder for Secretary: Expect announcements after each of these meetings.)

      1. **Central Office Delegates meet the First Tuesday of the Month

      2. **General Service Reps meet the Third Tuesday of the Month

      3. **H & I Reps meet the Fourth Tuesday of the Month

  1. This is a one-hour speaker discussion meeting. Our chairperson shares his/her experience, strength and hope with the group and then opens the meeting for discussion. It is my pleasure to introduce our speaker _____________________.

(Reminder for Secretary: At approximately 8:10 am please ask the speaker to wrap up and transition into the discussion.)

  1. Thank you, ________________________ (speaker’s name).

  2. We have no dues or fees in A.A., but we do pay our own way. In accordance with the Seventh Tradition, your contributions will be greatly appreciated. The money you put in the electronic basket helps support General Service and our Central Office and will be used for rent, coffee, and snacks when we resume our in person meetings. You can Venmo your contribution to @alesIalp, the last for digits of the phone number are 7401. Our treasurer will also share that Venmo account name in the chat window for everyone.

  3. We have reached the discussion portion of our meeting. If you’d like to share, please unmute and introduce yourself before sharing. The topic suggested by our speaker is ___________. The meeting is now open for sharing.

  4. That is all the time we have this morning. I’d like to recognize and thank a number of people:

    • Our birthday people (happy birthday everyone) . . .

    • Our visitors (welcome) . . .

    • Our newcomers (welcome and keep coming back) . . .

    • I’d also like to thank all the people that make this meeting possible.

    • Please join with me in a special thank you to our speaker ____________ for sharing with us today!

  1. Please remember: Who you see here, what you hear here, let it stay here.

  2. The speaker will close the meeting by leading us in the Lord’s Prayer.



Make every effort to open and close the meeting on time. Be sure to tell your chairperson what time he/she should finish his/her part of the meeting.

San Mateo County Fellowship Central Office 2215 El Camino Real, Ste. 204, San Mateo, CA 94403 24-hour phone: 650.577.1310