For Zoom Hosts & Co-Hosts

Hosting Zoom recommendations.

  1. Hosts should be on a PC or Mac (not a phone or tablet).

a. This is as per Zoom’s best practices

b. You can not see a big enough gallery on a tablet or phone.

c. You WILL need to see multiple windows at once (Gallery, highlighted speaker, Participants and Chat)

2 Hosts should check their internet connection.

a. Check internet throughput using or Google’s speed test. A decent connection is at least

20 mbps Download and 10 mbps Upload.

b. Try to used a wired network if possible.

c. If not turn off TV’s, tablets and other items that might take up bandwidth on your wireless.

  • If possible, contact whoever is going to speak and make sure they have good bandwidth and are stationary (should not drive while Zooming).

  • If possible ask to use a PC, Mac or decent tablet as phones are not preferred (truncated picture and little ability to see the gallery).

Hosts should log on at least 20-30 minutes prior to the meeting. If a previous meeting is still going, ask the current host to make you the host. If there is no previous meeting, log on with the credentials you were issued.

Meeting Settings

  • Make sure that the mute when entering is turned on! This helps slow down Zoom Bombers

  • Use the Participants menu in the lower menu bar


  • Click the 3 dots in the list that opens [SEE IMAGE]

  • SELECT "Allow Participants to unmute themselves" [SEE IMAGE]

Managing members

  • When managing the waiting room, look for suspicious names. If you do not recognize a name, check to see if they have their camera on. To verify that they aren't a Zoom Bomber ask that you momentarily turn on their camara. Should the person not comply, move them to the last position in the gallery which allows you to quickly remove them if the need should arise. ( See below for more information)

  • Keep the chat window open (or at least check for notifications every minute or two).

  • Organize the Gallery!

a. Put the Secretary and speaker in the upper left portion of the screen.

b. Put Co-hosts next

c. Put Known members who have their camera’s on next.

d. Put known members whose camera’s are off next

e. Put Land line members next (they have a phone icon).

f. Lastly put unknown members in the gallery. This is so if they turn out to be a bomber or someone who is “not trying to quit drinking” you can find and remove them quickly.

Security Settings

In security menu

  • Make sure Waiting room in turned on (should be by default)

  • Hide profile pictures should be disabled (no check)

  • Allow users to Share screen turned off (no check)

  • Chat should be checked

  • Allow users to rename themselves should be checked

  • Unmute themselves should be checked

  • Start video unchecked

  • Share whiteboards Unchecked

  • Collaborate with Zoom apps Unchecked.

In the unlikely event of a bomber

Click the Security icon in the lower menu bar

Select " Suspend Participant Activities" [See Below in RED]

Find the offending participant from the participants menu or right click on their square and “remove” them.

I am responsible – when anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there, and for that: I am responsible.